Observation ID: 161688

Submitted by iNaturalist on
Pacific Newts
Observation Date / Time

Pacific Newt (roadkill)
Found dead on Alma Bridge Rd.

This section of road has not been checked for roadkill yet this season, so I'm adding all carcasses, even aged ones.

*** Decomposition Rate Study ***
These observations show the decomposition of a newt over time. This will give us a sense of how fast the bodies decompose so that duplicate entries aren't added to the main project and the total count is more accurate.

Marked with a dot of purple nail polish for the purpose of being able to follow the carcass over time to study how it decomposes.

Ref: Decomp-P11
18 Days

Picture #1: 01/12/2019 (Sat)
Picture #2: 01/14/2019 (Mon)
Picture #3: 01/30/2019 (Wed)

url: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/19767776

Location Description
Lexington Reservoir County Park, CA, USA

Observation Map