Observation ID: 160412

Submitted by iNaturalist on
Pacific Newts
Observation Date / Time

Pacific Newt (roadkill)

Found on Alma Bridge Rd. near the Priest Rock Trailhead.

***Decomposition Rate Study***

These observations show the decomposition of a newt over time. This will give us a sense of how fast the bodies decompose so that duplicate entries aren't added to the main project and the count is more accurate.

Ref: Decomp02
21 Days

Picture #1: 12/19/2018 (Wed)
....4 days, no rain
Picture #2: 12/23/2018 (Sun)
....8 days, 0.46 rain
Picture #3: 12/31/2018 (Mon)
....9 days, 1.3 rain
Picture #4: 01/09/2018 (Wed)

url: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/19194001

Location Description
Lexington Reservoir County Park, CA, USA

Observation Map