In Progress
Road Watch BC
Taiwan Roadkill Observation Network
e-Wildlife Watch Maritimes
E Wildlife Watch Maritimes is a new citizen science-based and public education program of the Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Atlantic Chapter. The program will involve volunteers (scientists, students, wildlife rescue responders and others) in collecting real time data of wildlife-vehicle collision observations and wildlife movements near and on roads on their smart phones into a central website database. The animal data collected will not be restricted to large animals, but will accommodate the collection of any animals killed or travelling on roads.
Project Roadkill (Austria)
Habitat fragmentation by roads is a severe impact for many animal species, particularly for those with high mobility or seasonal migration behaviour, such as mammals or amphibians. As a consequence, roadkill is one of the main reasons for the decrease of populations of several animal groups. In Austria, official data of roadkills are only available for huntable wildlife. In the year 2012, amongst others 24852 European hare, 36865 Roe deer, 1414 European badger were killed on roads.
Wildlife and Roads Project (South Africa)
Although the transport industry (road, rail, air, marine) is massive, it is still developing rapidly in South Africa in accordance with the country’s National Development Plan. The transport industry caters for both commercial and passenger vehicles. Despite recognition of transport infrastructure being a threat to biodiversity, such infrastructure developments are required for economic growth. Current developments are conducted with little or no thought given to protecting biodiversity.
Maine Audubon Wildlife Road Watch (US)
This program began in 2010 and is supported by hundreds of volunteers who collect observaitons of live and dea widlife along the state's roads and highways. The data is used to inform discussion with the state's Department of Transportation about reducing impacts to wildlife from roads and traffic.
Road Kill Survey (Ireland)
Road kill may be a significant cause of mortality for some animals. In certain species (e.g. the Otter) the loss of only a handful of individuals is likely to have a significant impact on local population dynamics. We are especially interested in learning whether particular species are prone to this type of mortality and also whether road kills show seasonal or geographic patterns.
Project Splatter (UK)
Project SPLATTER (Social media platform for estimating roadkill) is a citizen science research project based at Cardiff University that collates wildlife roadkill data reported by members of the public across the UK. The main aim is to estimate the impacts roads have on all UK wildlife species. Working with partner organisations data are used to mitigate risk to all species. Where, when and what species have been seen are reported by the public using Twitter @ProjectSplatter, Facebook, App, email or web form.
Animal-Vehicle Collisions (Czech Republic)
An unknown number of animals, between tens and hundreds, are killed on the roads and railways in the Czech Republic every day. Neither the species involved nor the ratios are generally known. was launched to coveras many AVC sources as possible in one place. This application is accessible through common web browsers and allows the user to input, edit and browse data gathered by other users. Every registered user can add data. Users have several authorizations which are based on their status.