Minimal external damage damage. Measurements are: Snout-to-vent 778 mm, tail 286 mm. Common Raven (Corvus corax) was flying towards the carcass as I was stopping. It landed across the road and waited for me to finish documenting the roadkill before it picked it up and flew off to the East. Sparse vegetation dominated by Atriplex hymenelytra (Desert holly), Larrea tridentata (Creosote), and Erigonum inflatum (Desert trumpet). Weather: 30% cloud cover, 5-10- mph winds, 84 degrees Fahrenheit.
Definitely dead less than 1 hour. These snakes tend to lose the pink pigmentation within 30 minutes of dying turning to an overall 'tan/light khaki' colored carcass. (Personal observation of two snakes struck and I was there as they died. Color change was rapid both were dull within 20-25 minutes of death. Temperatures were over 90 degrees for both of my observations.)