This road is the gated driveway to my office, not open to the public. About 10-12 USFWS, CDFG, and BLM employees, and an undetermined number of border patrol agents, use it daily. Driveway parallels a long ephemeral streambed lined with large sycamores and some willow and mulefat. It isn't 100% clear that the cause of mortality was a vehicle strike. However, the carcass was only about 8-10 m from the edge of the road, in the leaf litter in the bottom of the streambed. Could easily have been knocked away from the road, or flown there to die after being struck. Apparent broken humerus. Tough to tell from the photo that it's a long-eared owl. Wings have extensive buff patch at base of primaries, and distinct black 'comma' on underwing coverts: characteristics it shares with and no other mid-sized owls. Pattern of breast feathers shows fine dark streaks and bars characteristic of long-eared, not simple longitudinal streaks like short-eared. Not a great horned: too small, and buff patch and comma on wings are much more pronounced than in great horned.