Virginia Opossum
Identification Confidence
100% certain
Observation Date / Time
mic#3224-2\2; V Opossum; 00; 34.669780, -120.492730; 2018-07-30; 19:00; ~1w; Co; 45.
Floradale Av; ~0.7 mi N Central Av; Lompoc.; S bd lane by Y-line; Brush- agro/ riparian.; Juv ~1/2 grown~; Battered in pieces- recent.; rd; curb; xp; Fs-nd. Seems to be same event with #3223- both small so likely not mother-infant.
M I Christie
Estimated Time Since Impact
about one week
Carcass Position
road surface
Roadway Speed Limit
45 mph
Road Type
local paved
Location Description
Floradale Av; N Central Av; Lompoc.S bd lane; Brush- agro/ riparian.